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Show the chronology of the establishment of the United Nations.

 Show the chronology of the establishment of the United Nations. 

Do as directed:- Complete the following chart giving information about the organs of the United Nations.

Do as directed:-  Complete the following chart giving information about the organs of the United Nations.

Make a concept chart : Laws related to women (History: Chapter-Empowerment of Women and other Weaker Sections )

Make a concept chart : Laws related to women (History: Chapter-Empowerment of Women and other Weaker Sections ) Ans.

A) Match the Figures of Speech with the correct definition.(Night of the Scorpion) Ans. (1) Metaphor - (b) An implied comparison. (2) Alliteration - (a) The use of the same sound at the beginning of words

(A) Match the Figures of Speech with the correct definition.(Night of the Scorpion)  Ans. (1) Metaphor - (b) An implied comparison. (2) Alliteration - (a) The use of the same sound at the beginning of words (3) Onomatopoeia - (d) A word which resembles the sound it represents. (4) Simile - (c) A comparison between two different things, especially a phrase, containing the words ‘like’ or ‘as’

Read the poem (Night of the Scorpion) and complete the table showing the qualities of the father and mother giving sufficient evidences from the poem. Ans. Qualities Father : (i) The father was sceptic and rational Mother : (i) Mother was strong and had selfless and unconditional love for her children.

Read the poem (Night of the Scorpion) and complete the table showing the qualities of the father and mother giving sufficient evidences from the poem. Ans . Qualities Father : (i) The father was sceptic and rational Mother : (i) Mother was strong and had selfless and unconditional love for her children. Father : (ii) Sceptic - he tried every curse, blessing, powder, mixture, hybrid and herb  Mother : (ii) Strong - My mother, twisted through and through, groaning on a mat. Father : (iii) Rational - He poured paraffin on mother's toe and set it on fire to kill the poison. Mother : (iii) My mother only said thank God the scorpion, picked on me and spared my children".

From the poem provide evidence for the following : (Night of the Scorpion) Stages: (a) the attempts by the peasants to help alleviate the mother’s pain. (b) the action of these same peasants to kill the scorpion. (c) the reaction of the rational father. (d) the various superstitions versus the ‘scientific’. (e) evil versus good.

 From the poem provide evidence for the following : (Night of the Scorpion) Ans . Stages: (a) the attempts by the peasants to help alleviate the mother’s pain. Evidence (lines from the poem): (a) may your suffering decrease, the misfortunes of your next birth, they said. (b) may the sum of all evil balanced in this unreal world against the sum of good become diminished by your pain. Stages: (b) the action of these same peasants to kill the scorpion Evidence (lines from the poem): (a) with candles and lanterns, they searched for him (b)he was not found Stages: (c) the reaction of the rational father. Evidence (lines from the poem): my father sceptic, rationalist, trying every curse and blessing, powder, mixture, herb and hybrid Stages: (d) the various superstitions versus the ‘scientific’ Evidence (lines from the poem): (a) I watched the holy man perform his rites to tame the poison with an incantation. (b) after twenty-hours, it lost its sting. Stages: (e) evil versus good. Eviden