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As far as listenening is concerned, what difference do you notice between the writer and Einstein? (The Night I Met Einstein)

As far as listenening is concerned, what difference do you notice between the writer and Einstein? (The Night I Met Einstein) Ans. As far as listening is concerned, the writer did not understand classical music at all as he was tone-deaf. Where as Einstein was fond of classical music and Bach was his favourite composer, which is why he had come to attend the concert.

I’d like to understand music (Pick out the infinitive). I had never taken a bath. (Identify the verb. State its tense). Our hostess took us to a large drawing room. (Begin the sentence with ‘we’). I was invited to dine at the house of a very rich and powerful businessman. (Rewrite the sentence using the noun form of underlined word) (The Night I Met Einstein)

 I’d like to understand music (Pick out the infinitive) Ans. to understand I had never taken a bath. (Identify the verb. State its tense) Ans. had taken – Past Perfect tense Our hostess took us to a large drawing room. (Begin the sentence with ‘we’) Ans. We were taken to a large drawing room by our hostess. I was invited to dine at the house of a very rich and powerful businessman. (Rewrite the sentence using the noun form of underlined word) Ans. I was given an invitation to dine at the house of a very rich and powerful businessman.

I must tell this man the truth.(‘must’ here indicates). I could understand Bach. (‘could’ here indicates)

 Choose the correct answer. (The Night I Met Einstein) I must tell this man the truth.(‘must’ here indicates) (a) necessity (b) compulsion (c) ability I could understand Bach. (‘could’ here indicates) (a) permission (b) ability (c) obligation Ans. (i) Must - necessity (ii) could - abilityThe Night I met Einstein 139

Why did the hostess take the guests to a drawing room? (The Night I Met Einstein). What was the writer’s reaction to classical Music? (The Night I Met Einstein). What was the entertainment arranged for by the hostess? (The Night I Met Einstein)

 Why did the hostess take the guests to a drawing room? (The Night I Met Einstein) Ans. The hostess took the guests to a drawing room for a concert, where the pianist was going to perform. What was the writer’s reaction to classical Music? (The Night I Met Einstein) Ans. The writer was not able to understand classical music he was tone-deaf. As a result he felt forced to pay attention to it. What was the entertainment arranged for by the hostess? (The Night I Met Einstein) Ans. The entertainment arranged was a concert to be performed by a pianist.

Name of the Pianist mentioned in the passage.(The Night I Met Einstein). Look at the following sentences from the passage and put them in the correct sequence.(The Night I Met Einstein) I saw a very famous face. I was tone deaf.I heard every one clapping.Our hostess took us to a large drawing room.

 Name of the Pianist mentioned in the passage.(The Night I Met Einstein) Ans. Johann Sebastian Bach. Look at the following sentences from the passage and put them in the correct sequence.(The Night I Met Einstein) (i) I saw a very famous face. (ii) I was tone deaf. (iii) I heard every one clapping. (iv) Our hostess took us to a large drawing room. Ans. (i) Our hostess took us to a large drawing room. (ii) I was tone deaf. (iii) I heard every one clapping. (iv) I saw a very famous face.

Complete the following sentences. (i) The narrator was not happy, about the concert because .................. . (ii) I turned in order to look at my neighbour and .................. .

Complete the following sentences. (The Night I Met Einstein) (i) The narrator was not happy, about the concert because .................. . (ii) I turned in order to look at my neighbour and .................. . Ans . (i) he did not understand classical music and was tone-deaf. (ii) I saw a very famous face.

Pick out one humorous sentence from the passage. (The Night I Met Einstein), Pick out one word from the passage which stands for the following meaning.(The Night I Met Einstein)

 Pick out one humorous sentence from the passage. (The Night I Met Einstein) Ans. He made it sound as if I had said that I had never taken a bath. Pick out one word from the passage which stands for the following meaning.(The Night I Met Einstein) A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. Ans. Philanthropist

Separate the words in the columns they belong to. (chorus, ballet, melody, swar, kathak, raga, salsa, symphony, mudra, serenade, choreography, tune, audience, tango, allegro, duet, odissi, choir, concert, performance, hip-hop )

 Separate the words in the columns they belong to. (chorus, ballet, melody, swar, kathak, raga, salsa, symphony, mudra, serenade, choreography, tune, audience, tango, allegro, duet, odissi, choir, concert, performance, hip-hop ) Ans. Music Common to both arts Dance melody, Swar, raga, chorus, symphony, serenade, tune, allegro, Choir, concert duet, audience, performance, hip-hop Ballet, kathak, Salsa, Mudra, tango, odissi, Choreography

Look at the picures of musical instruments and write their names; what the player of the instrument is called and a famous player of the instrument.

Look at the picures of musical instruments and write their names; what the  player of the instrument is called and a famous player of the instrument. Ans.

With your bench-mate prepare a profile of Albert Einstein. ALBERT EINSTEIN Profession : Field of Science : World famous theory proposed : Awards : Disability in childhood : Books written :

With your bench-mate prepare a profile of Albert Einstein. ALBERT EINSTEIN Profession : Field of Science : World famous theory proposed : Awards : Disability in childhood : Books written : (i) Profession: Ans. German Mathematician, Scientist and physicist. (ii) Field of Science: Ans. Physics and Philosophy. (iii) World famous theory proposed: Ans. Theory of Relativity. (iv) Awards: Ans. Nobel Prize (v) Disability in childhood: Ans. Learning disability. (vi) Books witten: Ans. (a) The world as I see it (b) Relatively: The special and the General (c) Ideas and opinions

Expand the flow-chart in writing a paragraph in your own words. Mother, Agony, Fights the venom (of scorpion), Unable to utter, but groans, Thanks God, Survives

 Expand the flow-chart in writing a paragraph in your own words. Ans. The poet remembers the night when the scorpion had stung his mother. The villagers came in groups and sat round the mother. They clicked their tongues and suggested a lot of things so that mother's suffering may decrease but they did not really do anything to help. She suffered for twenty hours while they all believed that if they are able to capture and kill the scorpion, mother will be cured. She was unable to do anything except groan in pain while people around her (including her husband) tired all kinds of remedies. While once again, the scorpion is spoken about as if it chose to kill the mother. The mother's dedication and pure love for her children bridges the gap between the characters in the poem and any reader. All can empathize with the love for a child, mother or father. This woman, although distant, living in a different time and place is just as human and real as anyone.

The poet has used various kinds of imagery to create an image which appeal to our senses. Pick out various kinds of imagery and complete the table.

The poet has used various kinds of imagery to create an image which appeal to  our senses. Pick out various kinds of imagery and complete the table. Ans.